I constantly find myself in a situation, like developing the Music Suggestions Ninja, where I need to have the user enter a string and find the best match for that string from a list of strings. Here’s the code to do it!

A small synopsis of my journey through developing a web app to recommend and generate music playlists. Read about the encountered problems and their solutions.

This is a simple, but useful, example of how you can take advantage of all the old computers you have laying around. Ever want to make a homemade supercomputer? This is the start.

You can grab the html of a website, but what if you are only interested in a small part of the content of the website? Use a sieve!

Cover image for The Archive Literary Journal

This is a story of how an artificial intelligence I designed to be able to pass a Turing Test for poetry.

Complete instructions on how to developer, build, and implement a motion sensor that works just as well but costs less than anything you can buy!

I compare the current state of home automation – the simplicity, cost, and power of things on the market – and then I determine whether its worth building a new type of device.

A simple home automation setup that uses a Raspberry Pi, some Javascript, some Python, and some simple DIY electronics.

What happens if you want to use multiple transmitters and recievers on the same radio frequency band? Here’s an idea I had that might help.

Want your Raspberry Pi to play any song? It’s easy! Just use Python and Youtube!